
Entity Definition

Logical Name : SalesReturnFact

This table captures the details of each retail transaction sale/return line item and is the most granular data used to classify and describe customer behavior related to purchasing or returning products and services.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
BusinessUnitID (FK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an RetailStore, DistributionCenter or AdministrationCenter ID_BSN_UN Identity integer LocationDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_INVENTORY_LOCATION)
TransactionID (PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32)
RetailTransactionLineItemSequenceNumber (PK) The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint
BusinessUnitID (FK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an RetailStore, DistributionCenter or AdministrationCenter ID_BSN_UN Identity integer BusinessUnitDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_BUSINESS_UNIT)
LocationID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Location. ID_LCN Identity int LocationDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_INVENTORY_LOCATION)
BusinessDayDate The calendar date of the BusinessDay. DC_DY_BSN DateCalendar date
WorkstationID The unique identifier for the WORKSTATION, typically the serial number. ID_WS Identity integer
OperatorID A unique, automatically assigned number used to identify a workstation OPERATOR. ID_OPR Identity integer
CancelledFlag A flag denoting that this entire transaction has been cancelled before it was completed at the POS. FL_CNCL Flag int
VoidedFlag A flag denoting that this entire transaction has been voided (and reversed) after it was completed at the POS via a PostVoidTransaction. FL_VD Flag int
SuspendedFlag A flag denoting that this entire transaction has been suspended before it was completed at the POS. FL_SPN Flag int
TrainingFlag A flag to signify whether the workstation is in training mode. FL_TRG_TRN Flag int
METARWeatherCondiitionID Token ID for each METAR Weather condition row. Typically METAR reports are made once per hour per ICAO location. Only locations tied to retailer Sites will have weather conditions reported. Also, retailers may choose to limit the forecasts to once or twice a day. The granularity of weather tracking for retail sales analysis and reporting is less rigorous thant for flight safety and control. ID_METAR_WTHR_CN Identity integer
METARWeatherForecastID Token identifier for each instance of a METAR weather forecast entity. Forecast periods, unlike METARWeatherCondition (which are done on an hourly basis or more in volatile weather situations) these cover peirods of multiple days. ID_METAR_WTHR_FRCST Identity integer
CustomerID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Customer. ID_CT Identity int CustomerDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_CT)
ChannelID (FK) Token Identifier for a channel instance ID_CHNL Identity int ChannelDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_CHNL)
RetailShoppingTripTypeCode A code designating the purpose of the shopping trip that is related to a RetailTransaction. Examples: QUICKSTOP FILLIN STOCKUP CD_RTL_SHPPG_TRP_TYP Code varchar(20)
UnitCount The total number of individual ITEMs (SKU's) which are sold in the transaction QU_UN_RTL_TRN QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
TillID The unique identifier for the TENDER RESPOSITORY. ID_RPSTY_TND Identity int
ISOCurrencyCode Currency code designated by ISO to identify national currency CD_CNY_ISO_4217 ISO_4217_CurrencyCode_char(3) char(3)
ItemID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM IdentityUUID char(32) ItemDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_ITM)
POSItemIDQualifier A secondary qualifier on the POSItemID which denotes a separate item. Eg: When single bottles & six-packs of the same beverage both have the same UPC or other barcode, the POSItemIDQualifier holds denotes the two different items. ID_ITM_PS_QFR Identity int
POSItemID The barcode, point of sale scan code or other keyed identifying number used at POS and the internal stock keping ItemID for the item. Will generally be filled with the GTIN (UPC, EAN etc) for an item -- but it is not mandatory -- A retailer may develop and maintain its own set of POS identifiers. ID_ITM_PS IdentityGTIN varchar(14)
ItemTraceableUnitID A universally unique identifier used to identify an instance of a distinguisable instance of a retail item. The item traceable unit ID is similar to a serial number in that it allows each selling unit to be explicitly identified and distinguished from other sellling units of the same Item. ID_ITM_UN_TRC IdentityUUID char(32)
RegularUnitPrice The regular or lookup per-unit price for the item before any discounts have been applied. MO_PRC_REG MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
RegularUnitPriceQuantity The number of sellable units applicable to the regular or lookup-up price of the Item at the time of the Transaction. e.g. 3 for 99c This attribute should default to a value of 1 which means that a unit retail price applies to one sellable unit. UN_UPRQY_REG Quantity decimal(9,2)
ActualUnitPriceQuantity The number of units applicable to the actual per-unit price paid by the customer for this particular sale. e.g. 3 for 87c UN_UPRQY_ACT Quantity decimal(9,2)
Quantity The number of retail selling units sold to or returned by a customer. For services the number of units (e.g. hours or job) sold or in the case of refunds, reduced to zero revenue. QU_ITM_LM_RTN_SLS Quantity decimal(9,2)
BultkUnitCount The number of units sold, when selling bulk merchandise. Eg: A sale of 20 Gallons of Gas: Quantity=20, Units=1, UnitOfMeasure=Ga Eg: A sale of 3 cans of Beans: Quantity=3, Units=3, UnitOfMeasure=Ea QU_UN Quantity decimal(9,2)
ExtendedAmount The product of multiplying Quantity by the retail selling unit price derived from price lookup (and any applicable price derivation rules) (i.e.,ActualUnitPrice). This retail sale unit price excludes sales and/or value added tax. MO_EXTND Money decimal(16,5)
UnitDiscountAmount The monetary total per-unit of all Discounts and RetailPriceModifiers that were applied to this Item MO_DSC_UN MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
ExtendedDiscountAmount The monetary total of all Discounts and RetailPriceModifiers that were applied to this Item MO_DSC_UN_EXT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
SellUnitRetailPriceDerivationMethodCode A code that documents how the selling unit retail prices were derived for this line item. LU_PRC_RT_DRVN Code4 char(4)
ActionCode A code denoting how the item is being treated in the line item. LU_ACTN_CD Code2 char(2)
ReasonCodeSaleReturn A unique retailer defined reason code for an action that is taken (or not taken) at a Workstation. e.g. Return reason codes - Past Use By Date, Defective Merchandise, etc. POSNoSale reason Codes - Customer Change Query CD_RSN Code varchar(20)
UnitCostPrice The unit cost of the Item to the retail enterprise at the time of the Transaction. CP_UN MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
UnitCostPriceQuantity The number of units applicable to the cost of the Item to the retail enterprise at the time of the Transaction e.g. 3 for 99c Where this value is > 1, the effective UnitCostPrice per selling unit is the UnitCostPrice / UnitCostPriceQuantity. So a unit cost of $.45 with a designated UnitCostPriceQuantity of 3 has an effecive UnitCostPrice per selling unit of $.15. UN_UPRQY Quantity decimal(9,2)
UnitListPrice The unit MSRP of the Item at the time of the Transaction RP_MSRP MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
UnitListPriceQuantity The number of units applicable to the MSRP of the Item at the time of the Transaction e.g. 3 for 99c UN_MSRP_UPRQY Quantity decimal(9,2)
InventoryValuePrice The value per unit of the Item (at retail) taken from the StockLedger at the time of the Transaction. CP_INV MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
InventoryValuePriceQuantity The number of units applicable to the value per unit of the Item taken from the StockLedger at the time of the Transaction. e.g. 3 for 99c UN_INV_UPRQY Quantity decimal(9,2)
IssuingRetailStoreID A unique store number reference to identify the RETAIL STORE that issued the GIFT CERTIFICATE. ID_STR_ISSG Identity integer
GiftCertificateSerialNumber The serial number that uniquely identifies a GIFT CERTIFICATE. ID_NMB_SRZ_GF_CF IdentityUUID char(32)
TransactionLevelRewardDerivationRuleID A identifier for a specific price derivation rule. ID_RU_PRDV Identity int
TransactionLevelRewardDerivationRuleEligibilityID A unique identifier for a Price Derivation Rule Eligibility. ID_EL_PRDV Identity int
TransactionLevelProRatedFlag Indicates if this price modification was pro-rated across all of the Items in the RetailTransaction. FL_PRRT Flag int
TransactionLevelPercentage The percentage of the price modification that was applied to the RetailTransaction total. PE_MDF Percent decimal(7,4)
TransactionLevelAmount The monetary value of the price modification that was given. MO_MDF Money decimal(16,5)
TransactionLevelPriceModificationBaseAmount The monetary value of the transaction (i.e. a sum of sale return line item extended actual retail amounts) plus or minus other PriceModificationLineItem values used as the basis for this price modifciation calculation. NOTE: The ARTS model defines placeholders for transaction-level discounts. However, it is the retailer's responsibility to specify the business rules for calculating transaction-level price modificaction values. MO_PRC_MDFN_BS_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
TransactionLevelDescription Business description of a retail price modifier that may be used to store special discount-related messages that may be printed on the receipt. DE_TR_LTM_MDF DescriptionShort varchar(255)
TransactionLevelDiscountAmount Transaction level monetary value of the price modifier line item. MO_TRN_LVL_DSCNT Money decimal(16,5)
PromotionalOfferID_1 (FK) The unique identifier for a promotion. ID_PRM_OFR_1 Identity int PromotionDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_PROMOTION)
PromotionalInitiativeID_1 A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. ID_PRML_INITV_1 Identity int
RewardDerivationRuleID_1 A identifier for a specific price derivation rule. ID_RU_PRDV_1 Identity int
RewardDerivationRuleEligibilityID_1 A unique identifier for a Price Derivation Rule Eligibility. ID_EL_PRDV_1 Identity int
PreviousPrice_1 The unit price that was used as the basis of the price modification. MO_PRV_PRC_1 MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
Percent_1 The percent adjustment that was applied to the unit retail price to arrive at the modified selling price. PE_MDFR_RT_PRC_1 Percent decimal(7,4)
Amount_1 The flat amount of the price adjustment that was removed from the unit selling price to arrive at the modified selling price. MO_MDFR_RT_PRC_1 Money decimal(16,5)
CalculationMethodCode_1 A mnemonic code denoting how the price modifcation calculation was performed. e.g. PercentageModifier, UnitPriceModifier, ManualPriceOverride, etc. CD_MTH_CLC_1 Code4 char(4)
AdjustmentMethodCode_1 A mnemonic code denoting what kind of adjustment is being made to the retail price of the Item. e.g. Increase, Decrease. CD_MTH_ADJT_1 Code2 char(2)
NewPrice_1 The unit price that was the result of the price modification. MO_NW_PRC_1 MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
ModificationBenefitCode_1 A mnemonic code denoting what sort of discount benefit is being given. e.g. EmployeeDiscount, ManagerDiscount, or CustomerDiscount. CD_MDF_BNFT_1 Code4 char(4)
Description_1 Business description of a retail price modifier that may be used to store special discount-related messages that may be printed on the receipt. DE_MDFR_RTL_PRC_1 DescriptionShort varchar(255)
TransactionLineItemProrationPercentage_1 The portion of a prorated PriceModificationLineItem amount that is to be allocated to the SaleReturnLineItem parent of this RetailPriceModifier. Note that if a PriceModificationLineItem is to be prorated the sum of the retail price modifier entities resulting from that proration must be 100%. PE_TR_LTM_MDF_PRRT_1 Percent decimal(7,4)
ReasonCode_1 A unique retailer defined reason code for an action that is taken (or not taken) at a Workstation. e.g. Return reason codes - Past Use By Date, Defective Merchandise, etc. POSNoSale reason Codes - Customer Change Query CD_RSN_1 Code varchar(20)
PromotionalOfferID_2 (FK) The unique identifier for a promotion. ID_PRM_OFR_2 Identity int PromotionDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_PROMOTION)
PromotionalInitiativeID_2 A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. ID_PRML_INITV_2 Identity int
RewardDerivationRuleID_2 A identifier for a specific price derivation rule. ID_RU_PRDV_2 Identity int
RewardDerivationRuleEligibilityID_2 A unique identifier for a Price Derivation Rule Eligibility. ID_EL_PRDV_2 Identity int
PreviousPrice_2 The unit price that was used as the basis of the price modification. MO_PRV_PRC_2 MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
Percent_2 The percent adjustment that was applied to the unit retail price to arrive at the modified selling price. PE_MDFR_RT_PRC_2 Percent decimal(7,4)
Amount_2 The flat amount of the price adjustment that was removed from the unit selling price to arrive at the modified selling price. MO_MDFR_RT_PRC_2 Money decimal(16,5)
CalculationMethodCode_2 A mnemonic code denoting how the price modifcation calculation was performed. e.g. PercentageModifier, UnitPriceModifier, ManualPriceOverride, etc. CD_MTH_CLC_2 Code4 char(4)
AdjustmentMethodCode_2 A mnemonic code denoting what kind of adjustment is being made to the retail price of the Item. e.g. Increase, Decrease. CD_MTH_ADJT_2 Code2 char(2)
NewPrice_2 The unit price that was the result of the price modification. MO_NW_PRC_2 MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
ModificationBenefitCode_2 A mnemonic code denoting what sort of discount benefit is being given. e.g. EmployeeDiscount, ManagerDiscount, or CustomerDiscount. CD_MDF_BNFT_2 Code4 char(4)
Description_2 Business description of a retail price modifier that may be used to store special discount-related messages that may be printed on the receipt. DE_MDFR_RTL_PRC_2 DescriptionShort varchar(255)
TransactionLineItemProrationPercentage_2 The portion of a prorated PriceModificationLineItem amount that is to be allocated to the SaleReturnLineItem parent of this RetailPriceModifier. Note that if a PriceModificationLineItem is to be prorated the sum of the retail price modifier entities resulting from that proration must be 100%. PE_TR_LTM_MDF_PRRT_2 Percent decimal(7,4)
ReasonCode_2 A unique retailer defined reason code for an action that is taken (or not taken) at a Workstation. e.g. Return reason codes - Past Use By Date, Defective Merchandise, etc. POSNoSale reason Codes - Customer Change Query CD_RSN_2 Code varchar(20)
PromotionalOfferID_3 (FK) The unique identifier for a promotion. ID_PRM_OFR_3 Identity int PromotionDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_PROMOTION)
PromotionalInitiativeID_3 A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. ID_PRML_INITV_3 Identity int
RewardDerivationRuleID_3 A identifier for a specific price derivation rule. ID_RU_PRDV_3 Identity int
RewardDerivationRuleEligibilityID_3 A unique identifier for a Price Derivation Rule Eligibility. ID_EL_PRDV_3 Identity int
PreviousPrice_3 The unit price that was used as the basis of the price modification. MO_PRV_PRC_3 MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
Percent_3 The percent adjustment that was applied to the unit retail price to arrive at the modified selling price. PE_MDFR_RT_PRC_3 Percent decimal(7,4)
Amount_3 The flat amount of the price adjustment that was removed from the unit selling price to arrive at the modified selling price. MO_MDFR_RT_PRC_3 Money decimal(16,5)
CalculationMethodCode_3 A mnemonic code denoting how the price modifcation calculation was performed. e.g. PercentageModifier, UnitPriceModifier, ManualPriceOverride, etc. CD_MTH_CLC_3 Code4 char(4)
AdjustmentMethodCode_3 A mnemonic code denoting what kind of adjustment is being made to the retail price of the Item. e.g. Increase, Decrease. CD_MTH_ADJT_3 Code2 char(2)
NewPrice_3 The unit price that was the result of the price modification. MO_NW_PRC_3 MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
ModificationBenefitCode_3 A mnemonic code denoting what sort of discount benefit is being given. e.g. EmployeeDiscount, ManagerDiscount, or CustomerDiscount. CD_MDF_BNFT_3 Code4 char(4)
Description_3 Business description of a retail price modifier that may be used to store special discount-related messages that may be printed on the receipt. DE_MDFR_RTL_PRC_3 DescriptionShort varchar(255)
TransactionLineItemProrationPercentage_3 The portion of a prorated PriceModificationLineItem amount that is to be allocated to the SaleReturnLineItem parent of this RetailPriceModifier. Note that if a PriceModificationLineItem is to be prorated the sum of the retail price modifier entities resulting from that proration must be 100%. PE_TR_LTM_MDF_PRRT_3 Percent decimal(7,4)
ReasonCode_3 A unique retailer defined reason code for an action that is taken (or not taken) at a Workstation. e.g. Return reason codes - Past Use By Date, Defective Merchandise, etc. POSNoSale reason Codes - Customer Change Query CD_RSN_3 Code varchar(20)
PromotionalOfferID_4 (FK) The unique identifier for a promotion. ID_PRM_OFR_4 Identity int PromotionDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_PROMOTION)
PromotionalInitiativeID_4 A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. ID_PRML_INITV_4 Identity int
RewardDerivationRuleID_4 A identifier for a specific price derivation rule. ID_RU_PRDV_4 Identity int
RewardDerivationRuleEligibilityID_4 A unique identifier for a Price Derivation Rule Eligibility. ID_EL_PRDV_4 Identity int
PreviousPrice_4 The unit price that was used as the basis of the price modification. MO_PRV_PRC_4 MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
Percent_4 The percent adjustment that was applied to the unit retail price to arrive at the modified selling price. PE_MDFR_RT_PRC_4 Percent decimal(7,4)
Amount_4 The flat amount of the price adjustment that was removed from the unit selling price to arrive at the modified selling price. MO_MDFR_RT_PRC_4 Money decimal(16,5)
CalculationMethodCode_4 A mnemonic code denoting how the price modifcation calculation was performed. e.g. PercentageModifier, UnitPriceModifier, ManualPriceOverride, etc. CD_MTH_CLC_4 Code4 char(4)
AdjustmentMethodCode_4 A mnemonic code denoting what kind of adjustment is being made to the retail price of the Item. e.g. Increase, Decrease. CD_MTH_ADJT_4 Code2 char(2)
NewPrice_4 The unit price that was the result of the price modification. MO_NW_PRC_4 MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
ModificationBenefitCode_4 A mnemonic code denoting what sort of discount benefit is being given. e.g. EmployeeDiscount, ManagerDiscount, or CustomerDiscount. CD_MDF_BNFT_4 Code4 char(4)
Description_4 Business description of a retail price modifier that may be used to store special discount-related messages that may be printed on the receipt. DE_MDFR_RTL_PRC_4 DescriptionShort varchar(255)
TransactionLineItemProrationPercentage_4 The portion of a prorated PriceModificationLineItem amount that is to be allocated to the SaleReturnLineItem parent of this RetailPriceModifier. Note that if a PriceModificationLineItem is to be prorated the sum of the retail price modifier entities resulting from that proration must be 100%. PE_TR_LTM_MDF_PRRT_4 Percent decimal(7,4)
ReasonCode_4 A unique retailer defined reason code for an action that is taken (or not taken) at a Workstation. e.g. Return reason codes - Past Use By Date, Defective Merchandise, etc. POSNoSale reason Codes - Customer Change Query CD_RSN_4 Code varchar(20)
PromotionalOfferID_5 (FK) The unique identifier for a promotion. ID_PRM_OFR_5 Identity int PromotionDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_PROMOTION)
PromotionalInitiativeID_5 A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. ID_PRML_INITV_5 Identity int
RewardDerivationRuleID_5 A identifier for a specific price derivation rule. ID_RU_PRDV_5 Identity int
RewardDerivationRuleEligibilityID_5 A unique identifier for a Price Derivation Rule Eligibility. ID_EL_PRDV_5 Identity int
PreviousPrice_5 The unit price that was used as the basis of the price modification. MO_PRV_PRC_5 MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
Percent_5 The percent adjustment that was applied to the unit retail price to arrive at the modified selling price. PE_MDFR_RT_PRC_5 Percent decimal(7,4)
Amount_5 The flat amount of the price adjustment that was removed from the unit selling price to arrive at the modified selling price. MO_MDFR_RT_PRC_5 Money decimal(16,5)
CalculationMethodCode_5 A mnemonic code denoting how the price modifcation calculation was performed. e.g. PercentageModifier, UnitPriceModifier, ManualPriceOverride, etc. CD_MTH_CLC_5 Code4 char(4)
AdjustmentMethodCode_5 A mnemonic code denoting what kind of adjustment is being made to the retail price of the Item. e.g. Increase, Decrease. CD_MTH_ADJT_5 Code2 char(2)
NewPrice_5 The unit price that was the result of the price modification. MO_NW_PRC_5 MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)
ModificationBenefitCode_5 A mnemonic code denoting what sort of discount benefit is being given. e.g. EmployeeDiscount, ManagerDiscount, or CustomerDiscount. CD_MDF_BNFT_5 Code4 char(4)
Description_5 Business description of a retail price modifier that may be used to store special discount-related messages that may be printed on the receipt. DE_MDFR_RTL_PRC_5 DescriptionShort varchar(255)
TransactionLineItemProrationPercentage_5 The portion of a prorated PriceModificationLineItem amount that is to be allocated to the SaleReturnLineItem parent of this RetailPriceModifier. Note that if a PriceModificationLineItem is to be prorated the sum of the retail price modifier entities resulting from that proration must be 100%. PE_TR_LTM_MDF_PRRT_5 Percent decimal(7,4)
ReasonCode_5 A unique retailer defined reason code for an action that is taken (or not taken) at a Workstation. e.g. Return reason codes - Past Use By Date, Defective Merchandise, etc. POSNoSale reason Codes - Customer Change Query CD_RSN_5 Code varchar(20)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
PromotionDimension is first offer SalesReturnFact
PromotionDimension is second concurrent offer SalesReturnFact
PromotionDimension is third concurrent offer SalesReturnFact
PromotionDimension is 4th concurrent offer SalesReturnFact
PromotionDimension is 5th concurrent offer SalesReturnFact
LocationDimension defines place of SalesReturnFact
ItemDimension is sold or returned through SalesReturnFact
BusinessUnitDimension is responsible for SalesReturnFact
ChannelDimension defines venue for SalesReturnFact
CustomerDimension purchases through SalesReturnFact
SalesReturnFact occurs during RetailTransasctionLineItemCalendarPeriodAssociation
SalesReturnFact occurs during RetailTransactionLineItemReportingPeriodAssociation

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